Fees for providing Public Records
BFT uses the statutory fee schedule set forth in RCW 42.56.120[1], as provided below.
Inspection of BFT records on public internet website or scheduled at BFT administrative office.
No charge
Accessing or downloading records BFT routinely posts on its public internet website, unless the requestor asks BFT for records to be provided through some other means (see below)
No charge
Paper copies (photocopies or printing electronic records)
$0.15 per page (standard single sided 8 ½” x 11” black and white sheet)
Scanned records (converting a record from a paper copy to an electronic format)
$0.10 per page
Records uploaded to email, or cloud-based data storage service, or other means of electronic delivery
$0.05 per four (4) electronic files or attachments
Records transmitted in electronic format or for use of agency equipment to send records electronically
$0.10 per gigabyte for transmission of records in an electronic format
Digital storage media device (USB/Flash Drive, DVD, CD) for videos or large documents
$5.00 to $10.00 depending on gigabyte size needed.
Label, case, and or sleeve for CD/DVD
$1.00 to $3.00
Postage or delivery charges
Actual cost
If materials need to be copied by an outside source, the requestor pays the actual amount invoiced to BFT by the vendor.
Actual cost
Production of records does not include actual cost of digital storage media device, envelope, and postage. Data compilations prepared as a customized service will have cost in addition to the fees above. RCW 42.56.120 (3)(a)(i).
If a requestor fails to fulfill his or her obligations to inspect the records, pay the deposit, pay the required fees for an installment, or make final payment for the requested copies, after 30 days the request may be administratively closed. WAC 44-14-040(12)[2].