Monthly Passes
Valid first day through end of each month
Adult Pass: Monthly
Regular Adult Pass - Age 19+
*If purchasing multiple months at a time, please include the months you want in the notes section in the cart.
Dial-A-Ride Pass: Monthly
Includes rides WITHIN 3/4 mile of bus routes. All rides BEYOND 3/4 mile (formally Dial-A-Ride Premium) require FREEDOM pass or tickets. May be used on other services.
*If purchasing multiple months at a time, please include the months you want in the notes section in the cart.
Freedom Pass: Monthly
Includes rides across all BFT services, including Dial-A-Ride beyond ¾ mile of bus routes, Prosser & Benton City General Demand.
*If purchasing multiple months at a time, please include the months you want in the notes section in the cart.